Vetenskapliga publikationer
Degree of preoperative bilateral hearing affects patient-reported outcome in primary stapedotomy. Thunberg U, Tahir T, Dahlin Redfors Y and Finizia C. Otology and Neurotology. 2025. Published on-line Jan 7.
Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the international outcome inventory – alternative interventions (IOI- AI) – ear surgery (IOI-AIop). Dahlin‐Redfors Y, Björsne A, Finizia C. Int J Audiol. 2024. Apr 8:1-8;2024.
Are there differences in revision stapes surgery outcomes between university and county clinics? A study from the quality register for otosclerosis surgery in Sweden. Pauli N, Finizia C, Lundman L, Björsne A, Dahlin-Redfors Y. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. (2023) 280:2247-2255. Published online 2022 Nov 11
Otosclerosis revision surgery in Sweden: hearing outcome, predictive factors and complications. Lundman L, Strömbäck K, Björsne A, Grendin J, Dahlin-Redfors Y. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2020) 277:19-29. Published online 2019 Sep 23
Surgical technique in stapedotomy hearing outcome and complications. Pauli P, Strömbäck K, Lundman L, Dahlin‐Redfors Y. Laryngoscope (2020)130(3):790-796. Published online 2019 May 20
Stapes surgery in Sweden: evaluation of a national-based register. Strömbäck K, Lundman L, Bjorsne A, Grendin J, Stjernquist-Desatnik A, Dahlin-Redfors Y. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Jun;274(6):2421-2427